Drying Agent
PROSorb is a proven silica gel ideally suited for stabilising relative humidity inside museum display cases and storage cabinets. PROSorb is able to maintain a stable RH within narrow margins through its ability to both adsorb and desorb water vapour; and is provided preconditioned to your desired humidity level.
PROSorb also has a longer life span than other silica gels.
The ideal level of humidity for most museum display cases and storage cabinets is between 40 - 60% relative humidity (RH). It is desirable to maintain this level for as long as possible.
PROSorb has a unique and exceptional adsorption capacity within the 40 - 60% RH range and surpasses all other products sold for this purpose. 
Global Customers: British Museum, British Library, V&A museum, Tate modern, The National Gallery, National Museums of Scotland, English Heritage, National History Museum, London, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, Horniman Museum, National Museum of Wales, National Maritime Museum

Notes & Remarks
Further advantages of PROSorb:
• Free of chlorides: PROSorb contains no lithium chloride, unlike some other products (lithium
chloride is a chemical - salt, potentially harmful to many metals. This salt can be transferred to
metals in dust or by human touch). PROSorb consists of 97% SiO2 and 3% Al2O3.
• Low abrasion: PROSorb beads produce less dust than other silica gels (abrasion < 0.05 weight%
according to MIL-D).
• Long term stability: PROSorb maintains most of its capacity well beyond the 2-5 years during
which other silica gels have lost a much of their capacity.
• Economical: PROSorb is cheaper than the other products sold for the same purpose.
• High bulk density: 1 kg PROSorb only needs a volume of ca. 1.5 l (much less than some other
silica gels).

Product Option

For more enquiries on bulk orders, please contact us.

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